Respiratory System Anatomy & Physiology

Review Topics for Module 3: Respiratory System Anatomy & Physiology

1. How does pulse oximetry work? How do you know if the reading is accurate?

The pulse oximeter uses a cold light source that shines a light through the fingertip, making the tip appear to be red.

2. Understand how to assess oxygenation and when to use oxygen interventions

3. What factors put a patient at high risk for respiratory infection?

4. Be able to describe the following words describing breath sounds and/or know what problems they indicate and/or lung anatomy they correspond to:

a. Adventitious

b. Stridor

c. Crackles

d. Wheezes

e. Rales

f. Bronchial

g. Bronchial vesicular

h. Vesicular

5. Respiratory Anatomy & Physiology

a. Diaphragm

b. Intercostal muscles

c. Lungs

d. Trachea

e. Alveoli

f. Surfactant

g. Larynx

h. Epiglottis

i. Bronchi

j. Bronchioles

6. Memorize the names of different breathing patterns:

a. Tachypnea

b. Bradypnea

c. Eupnea

d. Apneustic

e. Kussmaul’s respirations

f. Cheyne-Stokes respirations

g. Biot’s respirations

h. Apnea

7. Describe the following respiratory disorders and explain the differences between them ( basic information about causes, risk factors, s/sx, nursing interventions, and treatment):

a. Respiratory infection/pneumonia

b. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

c. Asthma

8. Understand the basics about medications commonly used for respiratory problems:

a. Albuterol

b. Ipratropium

c. Prednisone (or other steroid medications)

General Test Preparation:

9. Be ready to do some dosage calculations…

10. How will you prioritize care between multiple patients with respiratory and/or urinary/renal problems?

11. What should you consider when delegating care to nursing assistants?